Continuous Scent: The Ultimate Long-Lasting Incense & Repellent Dispenser




Large facilities/event venues, homes, offices, outdoors – camping, parks, golf courses, agricultural – insect control

Target Problems

Traditional wick-based plug-in devices suffer declining performance due to accumulation of non-volatile components; this accumulation obstructs the wick and reduces volatile substance delivery.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Performance: This technology ensures consistent and efficient dispersion of scents over time.
  • Customization: Users have the freedom to adjust fan and wick-rotation-motor speeds, allowing them to tailor the intensity and distribution of scents according to their preferences and environmental needs.
  • Versatility: This technology is suitable for various settings as mentioned above. Its adaptability also makes it ideal for integration with home HVAC systems or for miniaturization for personal use.


Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) have created an innovative solution to address challenges in distributing scents or repellents consistently over time. The invention involves a device capable of dispensing volatile substances into the surrounding environment for prolonged durations. It employs a unique rotating assembly that consistently replenishes wicks immersed in a reservoir containing a liquid mixture of both non-volatile and volatile components. This has proven effective in preventing wick clogging caused by undesired non-volatile compounds. Additionally, the device features an airflow element designed to facilitate the release of these substances into the surrounding air, which is adjustable based on user preference and need.

This innovation holds promise for various applications where long-term and consistent scent or repellent delivery is essential, ranging from household air fresheners to pest control solutions.

Intellectual Property

Provisional Patent application pending. Application filed winter 2024. 


Krishna Pillai, PhD, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UWM