UW-Milwaukee is a respected R1 research institution with world class faculty investigators and facilities that can help our company reach its goals by:


  • Increasing innovation
  • Gaining access to expertise
  • Accessing facilities and equipment for conducting R&D
  • Feeding your talent pipeline
  • Saving cost and time
  • Supporting your community

UWM Key Areas of Expertise:


The Connected Systems Institute is a center of excellence at UWM that develops
manufacturing domain specialists

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& Sustainability

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UWM Cleaner, Safer Water Capabilities

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for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation

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UWMRF Services:


applicants must be small businesses, engagement with university researchers is common through R&D subcontracting arrangements and startup formation.

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PARTNERING is an upfront, optional license path with a transparent, fair, minimally negotiated agreement, in order to focus on research, innovation, and bringing new products to market.

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& OPTION AGREEMENTS help achieve success by ensuring that UWM technologies are successfully commercialized & will work for partners to meet their business needs.

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Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry is a type of proposal that seeks to stimulate collaboration between Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) and industry.

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MINI GRANT PROGRAM available for participants who have completed the NSF I-corps cohort for mentors, travel, & further customer discovery initiatives.

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GRANT PROGRAM supports discovery focusing on areas where UWM has the greatest potential to impact the local economy through commercialization activities.

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GRANT PROGRAM supports early-stage UWM startups by assisting with awarding funds to bridge the gap over the so-called valley of death.

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ENGAGE MENTOR PROGRAM is a group of experienced local leaders who volunteer their time & knowledge to help UWM innovators develop their start-ups into strong companies.

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